• Couples Therapy

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    Couples Therapy at Family Matters of Marin

    Couples come to Family Matters of Marin when they are having trouble communicating or connecting. Maybe the relationship has become stagnant after the couple has children. Perhaps the couple has become distant or conflicted because of the day-to-day stress of work and parenting. We help couples find their way back to one another, so they can create the kind of relationship they desire. Whatever the inciting cause, couples therapy at Family Matters of Marin offers support and guidance in developing and sustaining thriving relationships.

    Top Reasons to See a Couples Therapist

    Every relationship is unique, which means that couples will have specific, individual reasons to schedule counseling sessions. If you want or feel you need help with any aspect of your relationship, you should talk to your partner about scheduling couples counseling sessions. If you’re still not sure that relationship therapy is right for you, consider your answers to the following questions:

    • Do you often feel like you and your partner are not on the same page?
    • Do you feel like your partner doesn’t listen to you?
    • Did you have a really strong relationship in the past, but now, you feel isolated from your spouse or partner?
    • Have you tried to talk to your partner about your needs, but you keep freezing up?
    • Are you worried if something doesn’t change, you’ll end up divorced or broken up?
    • Do your friends or loved ones tell you they’re concerned about your relationship or seem to not like your partner?
    • Are conflicts in your relationship having negative effects on your children?
    • Has your relationship drastically changed since becoming parents?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, couples therapy may be the right option for you.

    Top Outcomes of Couples Counseling

    It’s no surprise that many couples choose not to seek out therapy. In the past, couples counseling was only about 50% effective. It seems like the odds wouldn’t have been much better if you just did nothing. Luckily, research and development related to couples therapy has significantly improved the outcomes of relationship counseling. The unique counseling methods and approaches available are utilized to improve the odds for successful relationships in both the short-term and long-term. Some of the ways that couples counseling can improve relationships include:

    • Learning more effective and empathetic communication skills.
    • Understanding and addressing deeper issues that lead to relationship conflict.
    • Developing healthy attachment and working toward shared goals from the start of a relationship.
    • Learning to fight fair and with compassion and resolution in mind.
    • Repairing lost trust and bonds after betrayal.
    • Helping navigate a difficult time or transition.
    • Supporting one or both partners as they navigate individual struggles with cognitive and emotional health.
    • Moving forward together to develop and renew a sense of love and increase passion.

    Scheduling Couples Counseling

    A study conducted by the Gottman Institute found that, on average, couples wait six years to seek therapy. Our therapists understand how difficult it can be to take that first step, and we do our utmost to make the process seamless and straightforward. Your first step is to call our office at (415) 326-6354 to schedule an initial consultation. This initial phone consultation is free, and it only takes about 20 minutes. During this call, we’ll schedule your intake session with a therapist who is a good fit for you and your partner. Then, we’ll guide you through the rest of the getting started process, including filling out forms and exploring our financial policies.

    Schedule Free Consultation